Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Freshness is in the Air!!!


While I have not been here in a liiiiiiittttttlllllleeeee while, it has not been without reason. 

In my absence from my blog, I've been a bit absent from myself from time to time. As I jump on and off my little picketed fence I've arrived at a new intention as close to center as possible. It is a revised version of my old. To use a contradiction of terms it is both new and ultimately improved:) After all nothing in life is new, or permanent but only transformed sometimes for better and sometimes for worse depending on one's perspective. For me, this is improved, and that means I've made progress.

I feel the need to serve this blog and all it's observers both past, present, and potential, with purpose statement. Not a mission, for missions carry a certain expectation. This blog will serve a purpose for all involved and if it does not, that is ok. Not everything works for everyone.

My purpose here is to serve. To serve is vague but it carries with it a vast meaning. To serve is to share, not to preach. To teach so that I may know, and ultimately to be. 

As you may know, or not, I strive to learn and teach yoga. This means practicing yoga through every facet of my existence. I began this journey at the age of 14, but walked with foggy lenses down a path, following almost solely by sensation rather than sight. My intuition has led me well, for in the last two years not only have my shades become frosted, thawed, dusted, drenched, and fogged again they've steadily cleared, and transitioned from gray to rose. At this moment I have a sense of clarity and wellbeing that is palpable. I want to share this with all who might share, seek or aspire toward a similar sense. 

As a duty to my practice, my self, and those whom I love this will be a channel through which I intend to share experiences, hurdles and how I overcome them, hope, happiness, health, and LOVE!!!

With this being said, here is to health, happiness, sadness, joy, pain, and the harmony of it all. May we enjoy every moment together...for there is only now

Much love, abundance, and gratitude to all. 


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