Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Mobiles

Anyone who knows me may tell you I'm artistic, or creative...
This may or may not be true to some but I've been working on making it true all my life.
Having always been an avid painter and lover of drawing the human form,
I find myself at a loss lately. When I found I was pregnant last year
I packed up the toxic hobby of oil painting and got bored, sadly, with figure drawing...
Then I found a stick.
Thats right. A stick. On my walk to work through our neighborhood in Chicago I had a spark of inspiration an carried a stick back home.
From there I began toying with the idea of making something three dimensional but not too serious...just a silly playful something. So a year and a cross-state-lines move later the stick, still in tact although now bound to another stick of inspiration lay unfinished and challenging. 

Now, that project was finished a mere three weeks before my baby came. That is well after the months before when I decided it must be something for her room. True to form, I managed to tie up the loose ends with moments to spare.

I have since been blessed with many new ideas for similar projects, and have made another, albeit much smaller one. I love these little things and hopefully my baby does too!!

Yay!! She does:)

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